The whole power of water.

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The GRANDER® Water Revitalisation is based on the principle of information transfer, and by natural means, transforms water to a very high, stable and biologically valuable quality.

The areas of application range from private use in households, to the hotel and catering industry, spa and wellness, agriculture and commercial applications all the way to advanced technology and the heavy industry.  The water revitalised by the GRANDER® technology stands for enjoyment and a feeling of well-being as well as for many opportunities in savings and optimisation in technical processes.

GRANDER® helps the water to strengthen its immune system, with all the benefits for us humans and all living things:

  • Enjoyment & taste

  • Vitality & well-being

  • Growth & earnings

  • Optimizations & savings

  • Environmental protection & resource conservation

GRANDER® Products

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Microwaves disturb the earth's natural vibrations."

Find a GRANDER distribution in your state

You would like to have the best water in your home?

Our water experts are happy to offer a free and non-binding consultation. Contact us for your customized water concept – for the highest quality of water straight from your tap in a sustainable way.